Techno Conveyor Indonesia

Intralox® Tough Belt



Tough Belt

Tough Belt offers superior impact, abrasion, and cutting resistance.

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An ultra-high-performance belt for extreme impact applications—such as discard and rehang lines—the Intralox Tough Belt offers superior impact, abrasion, and cutting resistance. Able to absorb at least five times the impact energy of alternatives with no breakage, Tough Belt lasts 2–3 times longer than alternatives. It improves food safety by reducing the contamination risks from broken or damaged modules or flights.


Intralox® Tough Belt Delivers Remarkable Durability

The Intralox Tough Belt is an ultra high-performance belt for extreme impact applications.
The Tough Belt’s nearly unbreakable Hi-Impact material makes it an ideal solution for bone discard and rehang lines as it can absorb at least five times the impact energy of alternatives, with no breakage. As a result, it is estimated to last two to three times longer than alternative belting. 

Also available are Streamline Tough Flights, designed to deliver long service life in high-impact elevator and incline/decline applications.

I worked [the Tough Belt] over with the largest sledge hammer in our machine shop. I was shocked to see it stand up to the blows. No plastic splinters came off – absolutely no signs of breaking.

I can see this belt solving impact problems in several applications. We have one very troublesome incline conveyor in the slaughter area. I plan to install the Intralox Tough Belt as soon as this belt comes up for replacement.
An Engineer
Large beef and lamb producer, Northern Ireland